Reiki Levels 1 & 2

LEVEL 1 $175 • LEVEL 2 $225

Classes are private or in small groups of 2-4 students from 11 am to 6 pm with a 45 minute break for lunch. Classes usually meet Saturday or Sunday.* Each student receives a William Lee Rand Reiki Manual and a framable Certificate of Completion.

*Please inquire for weekday availability options.


Advanced Reiki Therapist and Master/Teacher


THE ADVANCED REIKI THERAPIST Classes for Advanced Reiki Therapist meet privately in small groups of 2-4 students from 11 am to 6 pm with a 45 minute break for lunch. Classes usually meet Saturday or Sunday.* Each student receives a William Lee Rand Reiki Manual for Advanced and Master Levels together with a framable Certificate of Completion.

*Please inquire for weekday availability options.

REIKI MASTER/TEACHER This is a continuation of the Advanced class. These classes are taught one on one. A two-hour class is held once a month for approximately 4-5 months. We work on mastering the the self.


Reiki Classes
11 AM - 6PM*

Please wear comfortable clothing (including socks), and bring a notebook and pen.

Water, coffee, tea and a light snack will be provided. Please bring your own lunch.

*hours may vary