Theta Healing Coming Spring, 2023!

60-75 MINUTES* $to be determined post certification

I’m excited to share that I will be a Certified Theta Healer this coming Spring. I first learned about this through another practioner and immediately was drawn to add this beautiful modality to my practice. This energy healing modality recognizes all aspects of the individual - the mind, physical body, emotional body, and spirit. More information will be provided here post certification.

To begin your session, we will chat a bit about you and what brought you to a Theta Healing session. We will also discuss what it is that you would like to work on during your session; for example, releasing attachment to a situation, clearing thought patterns that keep you “stuck” and repeating cycles, betrayal, self worth, etc. We can also see what spiritually comes up during the session to work on.

Choose from Zoom, FaceTime, or in person at my West Hartford studio. Hydration prior to and following your appointment is important as well.

*For first-time appointments I do request that you allow extra time, if possible.